Customer Gallery » Wild Child- Dirty Boys Racing

This one holds a pretty special place for us- as one of our early sponsored vehicles, Dawson and David Boys have been an outstanding Race team to work with through their build, rebuild, and porbably another rebuild of their 1979 Bronco "Wild Child". Here is a great team history from Dawson:


Dirty Boys Racing, "Wild Child"

1988 F150 with a Big Block Ford Competing since 1996 and based in Mode, IL.


Team Overview

  • Owner/Crew Chief-David Boys
  • Altered Stock Driver-Dawson Boys
  • Iron Headed Super Stock Driver-Jonathon Woods

Racing has been a family affair everywhere David Boys has ended up since 1992 when he drug home a completely disassembled 1979 Bronco.

David recalls “My mother about had a come apart when she got home and saw all the parts strung across her yard” He began racing that truck with the OMRO and winning races!

In 1993 he built his first big block for the truck and in 1996 He built the Wild Child we all know and love. He took this truck racing across the United States until he retired from driving. In more recent times David Boys spends his time on the sidelines making tuning adjustments and leaves the driving to Dawson Boys and Jonathon Woods. Our team has put together an absolutely wicked combo that has been a race winning machine. It is a Large Bore, Large Stroke, High Compression Big Block Ford.

With all that air coming we needed an efficient way to get it out and this is when we turned to Stainless Headers. Stainless Headers got this BBF set up with a set of 2.25 Inch Primary headers with a 4.5 Inch Collector to help those hot gasses escape. In moist and muddy conditions mild steel headers just rust out within a few years. The only proper option is to make an expensive purchase. Stainless Headers is an affordable company that brings the best quality to the table. The Dirty Boys Race Team could never even think about looking to another company for Stainless Steel Products!

Recent accomplishments:

• 2022 Altered Stock 2nd Place Points

• 2022 Iron Headed Super Stock 3rd Place Points


Like what you see? Follow Dirty Boys Racing and their improvements with Wild Child on their Facebook Page; Dirty Boys Race Team, or on Instagram @wildchild_1869